Buy Green Office Products
If you want to talk to someone about the green options available to your specific operation, then just call us at this number: 0117 941 4411.
It is easy being green!
The responsibility for going green rests with all of us, and companies around the world are becoming more aware of the impact they are having on the environment. And even seemingly humble office products add to the issue.
But what can you do? You have operational demands! You need office products... we all do.
We know that green products are important to you.
Our on-site shredding division collects 50-60 tonnes of paper per month and turns it into recycled paper, contributing to the sustainability of woodlands.
To find out more about our new range of green and Fair Trade products, send us an email and we’ll be straight back in contact with ideas and green products that will help you save money and the environment!
Contact us by email [email protected]